Nordic & Saxon

Reincarnated from early Germanic styles, including artwork from:

⦑ Vendel & Merovingian Periods ⦒

⦑ Borre & Broa Nordic Art ⦒

⦑ The Oseberg Ship Burial ⦒

⦑ Jellinge & Mammen Artefacts ⦒

⦑ Ringerike & Gotland Stones ⦒

⦑ Urnes Style (Stavkyrke Carvings) ⦒

⦑ Rune Inscriptions & Staves ⦒


Woven from across the British Isles and Continental Europe, developed by the Celtic-speaking peoples of the past:

∴ Hallstatt ∵

∴ La Tene Britain ∵

∴ Pictland & Caledonia ∵

∴ Kells (Manuscript Style) ∵

∴ Ogham ∵

Celtic artwork is rich and widespread, featuring endless symbolism, folklore, and ritual iconography.


Inspired by ancient art of the:

∘ Stone Age ∘

∘ Bronze Age ∘

∘ Early Iron Age ∘

Found as petroglyphs, cave paintings, jewellery, and weapons, this artwork reminds us of our innate human desire to express ourselves with a deep and timeless symbolism.

Artist Portfolios

Sean Parry | Sacred Knot

Ash Harrison | Villkat Arts

Hamish lamley | Pictavia Tattoo